
Alongside our staff, the leadership of DRC is driven by a board of Elders and Deacons, and various teams made up of passionate church members.

Combining with the Ministers, the Elders and Deacons form the Consistory, which governs the life and ministry of the congregation.

  • Elders are primarily and particularly responsible for the spiritual oversight of the congregation. This includes attending to sound teaching within the church; ensuring that members are nurtured through Scripture, the sacraments, worship, and prayer; and guiding the congregation through government and discipline.

    Elders are elected to three-year terms and the current Elders at DRC include:

    2025 - Rick Bird and Pat Willey
    2026 -
    Paul Miller and Kathy Nolan
    2027 -
    Linda Mayou and Tom McIlroy

  • The primary responsibilities of deacons fall into six main categories: mission involvement, disaster response and volunteer service opportunities, hunger advocacy and relief efforts, special individual and family concerns, stewardship education and congregational giving, and caring for creation and living simply.

    Deacons are elected to three-year terms and the current Deacons at DRC include:

    2025 - Dennis Radliff and Julie Tootell
    2026 -
    Jean Duncan and Joyce Stevens
    2027 -
    Karen Empie and Sarah Samyn

  • Several teams or committees are active in leading the life of the church. These teams are led by volunteers within the congregation and include:

    Mission - responsible for informing and involving the congregation in mission, ensuring that DRC is a congregation that extends mercy, service, and care to those beyond this congregation.

    Outreach - responsible for leading the church in engagement with the larger Delmar/Bethlehem/Albany communities.

    Education - responsible for the oversight of education ministries within the church, including regular and occasional Bible studies, lectures, Sunday school, and other programs.

    Fellowship - supports the programmatic functions of the church and plans for special events that are focused on relationship building within the congregation.

    Caregiving - responsible for leading the effort to extend works of mercy and service to those who are part of the DRC community.

    Property - responsible for managing the care and upkeep of the property of the church, including the grounds, parsonages, and church building.

    Personnel - focuses on the crafting and implementation of policies and procedures in support of church employees.

    Finance - focuses on the care and utilization of church resources, including facility maintenance and development and benevolent giving.

    Stewardship - responsible for working with the Consistory to oversee and track financial gifts to ensure the current and future ministry of the congregation. This committee also helps to establish investment policies, ensures DRC is in compliance with various regulations, and promotes giving to support the short and long-term health and ministry of the church.