Kids Ministries
We cherish our kids, seeing them as capable of leading and worthy of our loving care.
Children are an active and important part of our DRC family! It is our aim to make sure that we not only help children grow in their faith and have a vibrant relationship with the church family, but also that they know how important they are to us. At DRC we want to ensure that children have opportunities to practice their faith in a variety of ways. There are many opportunities for kids to engage both inside and outside of Sunday worship!
The DRC nursery is a warm and inviting space filled with toys, books, a play kitchen and a train table, available every Sunday morning during worship.
We welcome parents to come and visit. Making our nursery a safe and happy place for all children, and a place parents feel comfortable with, is a top priority for us at DRC.
The service is live-streamed in our nursery, so if parents wish to remain with their child, they won’t miss any of the service. Our nursery director, Hannah, is background checked and has successfully completed a child safety and CPR course.
We craft space in our service each Sunday for kids to participate in worship. We call this the “Children’s Moment,” and it’s an opportunity for kids to interact with Pastor Chris or Pastor Jake as they encounter an age-appropriate message related to the sermon.
After the Children’s Moment, children will head up to one of our Sunday School classes. Currently, there is a preschool- Grade 4 class, as well as a 5th -7th grade class.
During Sunday School, children will engage with each other in interactive, age-appropriate lessons from the Bible. In class, children will pray together, learn a story from scripture, engage in a craft, game or activity, and finish up in time for Coffee Hour at the end of the service. Older classes additionally discuss the big question of their faith together.
All Sunday School teachers are background checked and have successfully completed a child safety course.
At DRC, we are dedicated to exploring faith with people of all needs and abilities. How can we best accompany your child on their faith journey? See our accessibility page and let us know if we can help with any learning accommodations or needs.
For more details about curriculum, accommodations, or lessons, please contact Lisa at, or call the church office.
On the second Friday of each month during the school year, DRC hosts a pizza, popcorn, and movie night with the invitation extended to all. The movie tends to be oriented toward children, most often a Disney movie, though the night is open to people of all ages.
Folks from outside the DRC community are especially invited for a free night of family-friendly entertainment. Pizza is served at 5:30 pm before the movie gets rolling at 6:00 pm, during which our popcorn machine spits out a continuous supply of goodness - all for FREE!
We’d love to see you there. Feel free to bring a blanket, pillow, or camp chair for a more cozy seating option.
Breakfast with the pastors - space intentionally crafted for our kids to be with our pastors before worship at least twice a year. This is an opportunity for kids and pastors to get to know one another, and for the kids to ask Pastor Chris or Pastor Jake any questions related to life or faith.
Kids Choir - see our Music page
Stories ‘n S’mores - typically sometime in October, Uncle Kent from Camp Fowler shares his gift of storytelling around a campfire while kids share their gift of making s’mores.
Christmas Cookie Baking - while the larger DRC community decorates the church for the Advent and Christmas seasons, kids help prepare for one of DRC’s most cherished yearly events, Cookies and Carols, which unfolds after the town Christmas parade in early December.
Christmas pageant - kids and adults team up to tell the Christmas story in a fresh and embodied way in worship on the fourth Sunday in Advent.
Camp Fowler Winter Retreat and Summer Camp - a group from DRC heads up to camp each winter for three days and two night. In the summer, kids are invited to join the larger Camp Fowler community for a full week. See Camp Fowler’s website for more info.
Bike rides after worship - we celebrate the coming of spring by taking our bikes after worship to the nearby Rail Trail in pursuit of Stewart’s famous ice cream!CROP walk - kids and adults come together to participate in an annual CROP walk to raise support and awareness of hunger, poverty, displacement, and disaster. Click here to learn more about CROP Hunger Walks!
Other regular events throughout the church year - we’re always up to something new. Stay tuned for more opportunities!