
We think of our services as a conversation between the people and God.

We gather in worship each Sunday at 10:00 am to participate in an ongoing conversation between God and God’s people. Like any good conversation, worship includes both speaking and listening. We speak by offering our voices in song and prayer, meanwhile listening for the voice of God in Scripture, stillness, and sacrament (Communion and Baptism). In worship we seek to blend familiar elements, like reading the Lord’s Prayer together, with unfamiliar elements, crafting space to enter into worship in a new way.

Depending on the week, you may see children or adults leading parts of the service. You may hear stories or a small mission presentation or special updates about the life of the church. The hope is that worship is a space for us all to deepen our connection with one another and with God.

While we worship in a traditional sanctuary setting, we enjoy a diverse array of musical leadership that includes a vocal choir, worship band, bell choir, and children’s choir. (See our music page for more information.) Accompanying our weekly Sunday services, we also have special evening services for Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, and Christmas Eve.

  • If you were to walk into worship for the first time, we expect that you would be welcomed warmly by a greeter, who could answer any questions, offer you an order of service/bulletin, and have special bulletins available for kids.

    You would see people dressed in clothes from casual to more formal attire. Our services typically last about an hour. Sometimes they are a few minutes longer on the first Sunday of each month when we celebrate Communion or those Sundays we have a baptism, or when new members join the church.

    To get an idea of what you might encounter, feel free to watch one of our recent services on our YouTube channel or take a look at a previous bulletin.

  • The first Sunday of each month, we join together for a more intimate worship opportunity. “F.e.a.s.t.: Fellowship, eating, and study together” is inspired by early Christian communities that shared a communal meal, worshiped together, and supported one another.

    We gather at 5:30 p.m. for a light pot luck meal, each person or family is encouraged to bring something to share. The meal might even have a theme like “appetizers” or “five ingredients or less.” We then move into the sanctuary for a space of worship from 6:15-7:00 p.m.

    This service is different from a typical morning service. What we call our alternative service, F.e.a.s.t. begins with music, includes a message and discussion about a Bible passage, moves to the sharing of prayer requests and prayer together, and then concludes with music again.

    It is a more informal service and is suitable for all ages.

  • We seek to be inclusive in our support of those who worship at DRC. We offer large print hymnals and bulletins each week. Our sanctuary and Fellowship Hall (where we sometimes host speakers) are equipped with a “T coil” hearing loop. Those who have hearing aids are able to listen directly to this system.

    Inside the main entrance at the rear of our building, there is a lift that accesses three floors and allows those with mobility concerns to easily access our offices, sanctuary, fellowship areas, classrooms, and bathrooms. The lift comfortably fits wheelchairs and can hold more than one person.

    If you have particular questions related to accessibility at DRC, we would be eager to start a conversation! Please, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@drchurch.org or (518) 439-9929